Across the Board Support in Digital Transformation

We see ourselves as as partner with deep technical focus but many years of Digital Transformation experience that can help across the whole transformation.


We believe organisations that engage in Digital Transformation should formulate a precise strategy that acts as a guiding path through the overall change process. When you own the strategy you can effectively compare actual with planned progress and correct course. You will be able to score, steer, and evaluate any third party suppliers using your strategy - in our experience it happens too often that organisations instead find themselves integrating somehow the many strategies of their many suppliers.

We have turned what we learned in over a decade at the IT center of Transformations into a framework that enables our clients to clearly express Transformation IT strategies and reach shared understanding of business and IT.


IT systems are increasingly being created by development teams with a wide variety of skills and preferences and often under significant pressure to deliver results quickly. In addition, infrastructure has become very flexible and databases and other supporting products are readily available. In our experience, this too often leads to ad-hoc (“pragmatic”) decision making without consideration for the long term effects.

We like to approach the construction of IT systems with an engineering mindset: Decisions must be rationalized and the whole IT system lifecycle must be considered - especially, how technology decisions affect cost structure, operations requirements and overall complexity of the IT landscape.


The primary goal of Digital Transformation efforts is often to reduce significantly the time it takes from a feature idea to making it available to customers. The major reason for the traditionally slow release cycles (often months) is the central organisation of operations and the accountability handover from development to operations team. Several approaches exist to overcome this challenge but they are often not easy to implement given existing organisational structures and available skill set.

We help our clients to define a scenario that is suitable for them and to incrementally perform the rollout into the organisation. If needed, we can also join the teams and temporarily fill the gaps (including 24x7 on-call).